Couples Travel Insurance: Does it save Money?

Posted on February 01, 2017

One question we get often here at Holidaysafe HQ is whether it is actually cheaper to buy a couples travel insurance policy, and the simple answer is yes – if you and your partner meet the right criteria. To help anyone considering a joint policy, we’ve listed our top couples related FAQs and their answers below. Read more

Holiday cancellation

Posted on March 21, 2016

No one books a holiday expecting to have to cancel at the last minute, but of course we never know what is waiting round the corner, do we?

There are many reasons why you may need to cancel your trip. A few examples are: you or a close relative fall ill and are unable to travel, you may be called up for jury service and are unable to be released from it, you are made redundant, or the Foreign Commonwealth Office advise against all travel to your holiday destination.

That is why it is always advisable to buy holiday cancellation insurance when you book your trip. It doesn’t matter if you are just renting a cottage in the Lake District, Cruising the Med, or jetting off to the USA, if you suddenly had to cancel your trip you would lose money.

Cancellation Stress

Holiday cancellation insurance will pay the costs of transport charges, loss of accommodation and additional travel expenses that you have paid or agreed to pay and that you cannot recover from any other source should you have to cancel your trip due to:

  • the sudden and unforeseen death, injury or illness of:
  • you or a friend with whom you are travelling.
  • a close relative who lives in your home country.
  • a close business associate who lives in your home country.
  • a friend who lives abroad and with whom you were intending to temporarily stay.
  • it will also protect you should you be called up for jury service or as a witness in a Court of Law,
  • if you are suddenly given notice of redundancy.
  • or, if you are in H M Forces, and your leave orders are suddenly cancelled.

Holidaysafe cancellation cover starts as soon as you pay your premium

As well as cancellation protection all our policies provide:

  • UK, Europe and worldwide options
  • Single Trip travel insurance and Multi-trip policies available
  • No upper age limits on our Single Trip policies
  • Winter Sports cover available
  • Cover includes: emergency medical expenses from £2 million, emergency repatriation, personal possessions, money, personal liability, legal expenses and personal accident
  • Automatic cover on 100 adventure sports and hazardous activities free of charge, with further extensions available.
  • Doctor managed emergency helpline 24 hours a day, every day of the year
  • Specialist claims team
  • 14 day cooling off period

We also have a range of cover options so that you can choose the level of cover you require to suit your budget.To find out more, and to check out our great prices, simply click on our Get a Quote button and then choose the type of policy you are looking for.

Repatriation Travel Insurance

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It is only when someone is unfortunate to fall ill or suffer an accident whilst travelling abroad that they come to realise just how cushioned and protected we are with our National Health System.

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Worldwide Travel Insurance

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With the introduction of cheaper air travel, and budget priced cruises, the world is rapidly shrinking, and what were once considered far off and distant places are now within easy reach, both in terms of travelling time and the cost of getting there.

Today’s budget conscious travellers are always looking for cheap travel insurance; however, low premiums should not mean inadequate cover and it is important to make sure that you are buying a policy that will protect you for the type of holiday or trip that you are going on.

New York City USA

If you are going to lie in the sun for two weeks, you will not necessarily require the same levels of cover as someone who is thinking of bungee jumping, or white water rafting.

Similarly if you are backpacking around Australia or the Far East, you will require less cancellation cover than someone who has booked an expensive cruise.

Not all travel insurance policies are the same, so it is important that you take time to read the small print so that you know what is, and what isn’t covered by the policy you are thinking of buying. Small print is a pain, we appreciate that, but unfortunately we cannot get rid of it, but a few minutes scrutinising the cover before you buy, could save you financial hardship and worry later on.

Here are some pointers to look out for when considering buying a worldwide travel insurance policy.

  • Is the Cancellation sum insured enough to cover the pre-paid costs of your trip?
  • Does the policy include a minimum of £2m to cover emergency medical expenses and repatriation?
  • Does the policy cover your baggage if it is lost, damaged or stolen?
  • Does the policy cover the costs of emergency items of clothing if you bags are misplaced by the airline?
  • Does the policy cover you for all of the activities that you are planning to participate in during your trip?
  • Does the policy cover medical conditions?

Once you have purchased your policy you will have 14 days in which to read it through and check that it covers your particular needs – however you should also ask yourself the following:

Have I declared any pre-existing medical conditions? Have I told the insurer about any hazardous (risky) activities that I am thinking of doing?

Holidaysafe worldwide travel insurance has a range of cover options so that you can choose the level of cover you require to suit your budget. To find out more, and to check out our great prices, simply click on our Get a Quote button and then choose the type of policy you are looking for.

Our award winning travel insurance policies will give you peace of mind if you should fall ill or suffer an accident whilst on your dream trip, our doctor managed 24 hour emergency medical helpline will liaise with the hospitals and doctors abroad, and where necessary guarantee payment of your medical bills so that you do not have spend any of your own money. In addition, should it be medically necessary, they will arrange to bring to you home so that you can be treated in your local NHS hospital.

All Holidaysafe worldwide policies provide the following:

  • A UK based call centre with highly trained staff who will always do what they can to help you=
  • Legal advice and expenses
  • Specialist and experienced claims team
  • Optional winter sports extension
  • Over 100 sports and activities covered as standard, with the option to extend your cover to include amany more
  • UK, Europe and worldwide options available
  • Discounts for families and single parent families.
  • Longstay, Backpacker and Gap Year options
  • Special rates for Cruise insurance
  • Award winning policies for older travellers

European Travel Insurance

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It is surprising how many people do not feel the need to buy travel insurance when travelling to Europe. After 1st Jan 2021, we will no longer be in the European Union, meaning the EHIC card will be null and void and therefore travel insurance is more important than ever.

From 1st January 2021 rules around travel to Europe have changed, visit the Government website for up to date information on passports, EHIC, healthcare and more. We’ll update this page with more information as and when the Government release it.


All Holidaysafe European travel insurance policies provide the following:

  • Medical emergencies, repatriation, cancellation, personal liability, personal belongings, missed departure, departure delay, personal money, travel documents, state hospital benefit and personal accident.
  • The facility of buying your Travel Insurance online – it’s quick, easy, safe and secure
  • A UK-based call centre with highly trained staff who will always do what they can to help you
  • Legal advice and expenses
  • Specialist claims team
  • Legal advice and expenses
  • Optional winter sports extension (including the cost of mountain rescue)
  • Over 100 sports and activities covered as standard, with the option to extend your cover to include many more.
  • UK, Europe and worldwide options available
  • Great discounts for families!
  • Doctor managed emergency helpline 24 hours a day, every day of the year
  • Discounts given for couples
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Competitive premiums
  • In many ski resorts, and popular Spanish destinations, the main hospital or clinic is often privately run, and the EHIC is not valid.

Europe has an amazing range of destinations and activities on offer, catering to every type of traveller. Whether you want to ski in the alps, sunbathe by the Mediterranean, or wander through historic cities.

Holidaysafe European travel insurance has a range of cover options so that you can choose the level of cover you require to suit your budget. To find out more, and to check out our great prices, simply click on our Get a Quote button and then choose the type of policy you are looking for.

*Please note, Holidaysafe's online prices automatically include a 15% discount against our Customer Service Centre prices. This code entitles you to an additional 5% off your policy, and is a discount from the base price, not including the additional cost of optional extensions or any additional medical premium.