Visiting Family & Friends This Summer?

According to new research published today by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), over 12 million British nationals are planning to travel abroad this year to visit Family & Friends.

The research found that a third of people surveyed did not take out travel insurance when they stayed with family and friends overseas. Furthermore, 77% of people intending to visit family and friends this year were not intending to buy travel insurance and that saving money was a key factor in this decision.

The FCDO however, has warned that not taking out travel insurance could turn out to be a false economy, because travellers could encounter serious financial difficulty if they need medical treatment or lose valuable possessions.

Just because you are familiar with an area, it may be where you spent your childhood, doesn’t mean that you won’t encounter the same problems as a tourist visiting the destination for the first time. For example, don’t assume you are immune to diseases prevalent in the area you are visiting because you have spend a lot of time there, you must still get the correct inoculations or take preventative measures such as taking malaria tablets.

You should always make the same preparations visiting friends and family abroad as you would for a normal holiday.

The FCDO report cites many cases where someone visiting Family & Friends has encountered a serious medical problem, which has involved astronomical medical bills for which both the visitor and the host have become liable.

When arranging to visit Family & Friends abroad, purchasing travel insurance should be the very next thing you do after booking your flight, and you must make sure you are purchasing the correct policy for your needs.

Visit to find a range of travel policies to suit every need.

*Please note, Holidaysafe's online prices automatically include a 15% discount against our Customer Service Centre prices. This code entitles you to an additional 5% off your policy, and is a discount from the base price, not including the additional cost of optional extensions or any additional medical premium.