Should School Holidays be Shortened?

Posted on April 22, 2013

According to the, the Education Secretary Michael Gove wants school holidays to be cut short because the current structure is out of date.

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How safe is an Aeroplane?

Posted on April 18, 2013

Since Channel Four’s documentary ‘The Plane Crash’ aired back in November 2012, many travellers have been less than thrilled about booking flights.

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Holidaysafe is a Moneyfacts Award Winner!

Posted on January 25, 2013

In October 2012, we announced that Holidaysafe had been nominated for an award at the Moneyfacts Consumer Awards, and last night the event took place in London.

We are delighted to announce that Holidaysafe has won a Highly Commended Award in the Travel Insurance Provider of the Year Category!

Now in its third year, the awards aim to highlight the best financial products available to the public, by combining customer feedback and technical assessments, “giving the winners of these awards the ability to prove that they combine technical merit with service excellence” (Moneyfacts Website).
This means that the Moneyfacts judges have assessed the Holidaysafe products against our competitors, and have found us to be one of the top three travel insurance providers in the entire UK market.
Amber Howard, Holidaysafe Brand Manager commented; “We are absolutely delighted to have won at last night’s Moneyfacts Awards ceremony. The award represents the hard work and dedication of the entire Holidaysafe team, and their dedication to providing great customer service and excellent products. Thank you to everyone who voted for us!”
The Holidaysafe team are delighted to add this award to their collection, along with multiple Which Best Buy Awards in 2010, 2011 and 2012.
If you’re interested in finding more information about Holidaysafe and the range of travel insurance cover available, visit

Where do you Exchange Currency?

Posted on January 14, 2013

For most seasoned travellers, their pre-travel to-do lists include packing, printing boarding passes and getting some foreign currency for their chosen destination. However, many still wait until they reach the airport before trying to change their currency.

Last week, these airport currency services were criticised by customers after it was announced that they were charging up to 8% more than they do online.

Although these companies often offer ‘commission-free’ transactions, they inflate their rates to make money. In fact, according to a report by The Sunday Times, customers changing £500 into foreign currency could be handing over around £40 for the privilege.

The Financial Services Authority, who are supposed to monitor these kinds of discrepancies, do not regulate foreign exchange companies Furthermore, The Office of Fair Trading have commented that the companies have good reasons for charging higher amounts, for example, high costs for renting space at airports, and the ‘convenience’ factor.

The moral of the story? Do not wait until two hours before your flight to get foreign currency. Shop around beforehand, and visit websites and other retailers who offer the service to make sure you get the best rates available.

While you’re being so organised, also remember to invest in quality travel insurance before you depart. Without cover, you will be vulnerable to a holiday disaster; for example, a medical emergency, cancellation or even losing your cash abroad, which could leave you severely out of pocket. Visit for more information on our affordable cover.

Holidaysafe Nominated for Best Travel Insurance Provider of the Year Award!

Posted on October 10, 2012

The Consumer Moneyfacts Awards aim to highlight the best financial products available to the public, and we are delighted to announce that Holidaysafe has been nominated for the Best Travel Insurance Provider of the Year Award, as part of the 2013 ceremony.

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Holidaysafe featured in Adventure Bike Rider Magazine

Posted on September 17, 2012

At Holidaysafe, we believe that a motorcycle holiday is perfect for anyone who wants total freedom on their travels; just you, your bike, and the open road. What better way to escape the rat race, you can hop on your bike and ride into the sunset, or plan your trip to incorporate some great drives and epic views.

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FCDO and ABTA to Combat Balcony Falls Abroad in New Campaign

Posted on August 23, 2012

The Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) and ABTA have joined together in a new campaign to help prevent people falling from balconies whilst abroad.

So far this year 13 people have fallen from balconies in hotel resorts, 10 of these people have been seriously injured, and unfortunately 3 people have lost their lives.

Most of these cases involve 18-35 year olds, who had been drinking alcohol. It is unsurprising then that nine of these accidents have happened on the party islands of Ibiza and Majorca, where thousands of young people go every year with their friends to drink, party, relax and have fun.

The campaign, which launched this month, will involve TV and radio features, and handing leaflets out to young people at airports, to warn of the dangers. The campaign aims to raise awareness of the following dangers:

· Drinking too much alcohol, especially in hot countries, as it can seriously impair your sense of danger and common sense.
· Not investing in quality travel insurance before you travel, and not preparing for when things go wrong. (Medical bills abroad can become astronomical if you have not invested in adequate travel insurance).
· Climbing over balconies, trying to climb onto a friend’s balcony, and leaning over balconies.

For more information and to see a video about Jake, a balcony fall survivor, visit: Explore what the world has to offer safely, with

Travel Insurance Loop Hole

Posted on May 24, 2012

According to the latest research by Which?, many of Britain’s leading travel insurers sell cover which contains a loop hole. Apparently, if a customer falls ill after they have purchased travel insurance, many insurers will consider their cover void.

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Visiting Family & Friends This Summer?

Posted on June 03, 2011

According to new research published today by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), over 12 million British nationals are planning to travel abroad this year to visit Family & Friends.

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How To Avoid Tummy Upsets On Holiday

Posted on May 09, 2011

There is nothing worse than suffering from an upset stomach when you are on holiday. The pleasures of the beach, pool, bars, nightclubs etc., fade into a distant memory when your only thought is that you feel like you are about to die and that you cannot summon the strength to leave your bedroom – except to rush to the loo!

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*Please note, Holidaysafe's online prices automatically include a 15% discount against our Customer Service Centre prices. This code entitles you to an additional 5% off your policy, and is a discount from the base price, not including the additional cost of optional extensions or any additional medical premium.