14 Reasons A Staycation May Be The Best Option For Your Family This Year
After spendingweeks in lockdown, many of us may not feel comfortable taking our family abroadfor a holiday this year – and we completely understand!
That’s why we’ve put together a list of reasons why a staycation in the UK may be the best option for your family this year.
1. You can spend quality time away with family or friends
We haven’t been able to see our family and friends in months, so when we’re able to, what better way to enjoy being back together again than getting away and spending a long weekend or so reminding yourselves of just how much you appreciate eachother. You bring the nibbles, we’ll bring the bubbles.
2. You’ve grown an appreciation for the UK’s beauty spots
We can all agree that we’ve developed a new appreciation for the beautiful country we live in. Whether it’s a trip to the beach you’re after or a break in a more rural area, Great Britain really does offer some amazing places suitable for the whole family.
3. You might have to tighten your belt a little
Let’s face it, the coronavirus has had a financial impact across the UK (and the world!). So this year, lots of people will be looking for ways to save on the pennies while still enjoying a short getaway – and what better way than to do this than taking a trip a little closer for home.
4. It’s less hassle and quick to arrange a break!
Booking a trip in the UK not only takes less time to plan but more often than not it also takes you less time to get there! For example, by the time you’ve arrived at the airport two hours before your flight, boarded the plane, landed, collected your suitcase at the other end and got a taxi to your resort, you might as well have driven from Portsmouth to Scotland!
5. You’ve seen nature coming back to life and don’t want to contribute to unnecessary carbon emissions
Carbon emissions have dramatically decreased while the world has been in lockdown – and nature has seen the benefit from this. We’ve seen much clearer waters, bluer skiers, and a boom in wildlife. So why undo all the good we’ve done for the sake of a tan?
6. You want to help rebuild the British economy
As the saying goes, charity starts at home. So many of us may feel more comfortable investing our money in local or nationwide businesses that have been affected by the coronavirus before we splash out abroad.
7. You’d rather avoid any stress or anxiety associated with travelling abroad
We completely get it! We’ve spent over three months sheltering away in lockdown, so there’s no surprise that it may take some time before we feel secure enough to jump on a plane to somewhere tropical. Until then, a holiday near home may just be the next best thing.
8. You don’t want to self-isolate for 14-days when you return home
As of the 8th of June 2020, anyone who enters Britain will have to self-isolate for 14-days upon arrival – this includes those who return to the UK after going on holiday! The idea of spending another two weeks in complete lockdown may put some off going abroad completely. Not to mention that those who are unable to work from home may be required to take an additional two weeks off work just to isolate!
9. You can be flexible with your travel dates
If you feel like packing your car up and travelling on a Tuesday then why not! With no one to ask (apart from your boss, the accommodation providers, and probably your partner) staying in the UK gives you a lot more flexibility with your travel dates! More often than not, you can also get great last-minute deals as accommodation providers are keen to fill their rooms.
10. No worrying about the exchange rate!
Is it good at the minute? Is it bad? Who knows! We’re going through a pandemic, the last thing you need to worry about is the best place to exchange your pounds for a couple of extra euros!
11. There’s no season for a staycation!
Who said you had to go away this summer? Of course, more people prefer to take staycations during the summer months as the weather tends to be a little nicer, but there’s nothing stopping you from booking a log cabin in October and enjoying country walks, pub lunches and a dip in a warm hot tub, a little later in the year.
12. You can socially distance a lot easier
If socially distancing is playing on your mind, a staycation will give you great comfort in the fact that you can keep your distance from others. You can drive to your destination in your own car, stay in accommodation that you’re comfortable with, and participate in activities during your break where you feel safe (for example, avoiding busy beaches and opting for a walk instead).
13. It’s so much easier to take the kids
This goes without saying: staycations are much easier than going abroad when you have children. Apart from the usual aspects of being able to travel at your own leisure, bring as much luggage as you like, and be familiar with your local supermarkets, a staycation will provide that extra level of comfort for parents who are worried about their children mixing with other households. It will be much more manageable to encourage your children to play with their siblings in say a rented cottage for the weekend than it would in a busy foreign hotel.
14. You can take your pets
Let’s not forget about these little guys! Our pets have been used to having us all to themselves for months now. So what better to keep their spirits up than to take them on holiday with you before the household slowly but surely disappears back into reality? Staycations really are great for all the family!
If you want to read more about the travel insurance that we provide for staycations please visit our UK Travel insurance page here. Or, if you’d like to read about the benefits of our travel insurance, read our dedicated travel insurance benefits page here.
If you’re looking to book your next staycation, don’t forget to get a quote with us to make sure that you’re covered!
*Please note, Holidaysafe's online prices automatically include a 15% discount against our Customer Service Centre prices. This code entitles you to an additional 5% off your policy, and is a discount from the base price, not including the additional cost of optional extensions or any additional medical premium.