Participating in an internship abroad can be an amazing way to travel, add to your CV, gain experience and make sure you stand out in any job interview.
Many graduates are turning to this option to gain experience the UK job market just isn’t offering at the moment. Working abroad is a great way to explore a career path, to gain experience in how other countries and cultures operate, and most importantly an opportunity to learn.
Internships are usually a humbling experience where you truly learn whether a certain career path is for you, if not you can simply walk away and try something else. Doing this abroad also gives you the chance to travel somewhere different and truly step outside your comfort zone.
Not only will you gain a wealth of experience but it will also impress in any job interview, because it becomes so much more than a bullet point on your CV, it is a great talking point and portrays bravery, experience and passion.
Decide on the career path you want to explore and then research the type of internships available, you could travel to Europe or further afield, it completely depends on what is available and how adventurous you are feeling.
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